Git Git: From SSH to Personal Access Tokens Accessing remote repositories over SSH is a convenient, reliable, and secure way to sync your local and remote repositories. However, architectural changes and security requirements encourage moving from SSH to HTTPS/TLS protocols.
Git My Git Cheat Sheet # Clone from remote repo ssh-keygen -t rsa # Then copy this SSH key to GitLab git clone # Identify yourself as author git config --global "ahmed" git config --global git config --global --list # Statuses git status
development Game of Words I felt for Wordle [] the day I read about it, and now my morning starts with a fresh cup of coffee and a fresh puzzle. But sometimes, I struggle to see a word even if it is evident for a native speaker.
Terraform Sensitive data in Terraform Terraform is probably the best choice to manage your infrastructure as a code. And if we are talking code, let's see how you can keep sensitive information away from your code repository.
Ansible Ansible: Markdown Reports The previous post [] promised a simple reporting solution and two potential possibilities. Now it's time to go through the solution that would help you with report publications. The diagram from the previous post depicts information flow between components. Ansible Markdown Reports on Git/GitLab
Ansible Ansible: Simple Reports Any IT system, bigger than a chihuahua, ought to produce reports. It does not matter how they look, but it should generate and share information that humans can read.
SSH Unappreciated SSH Client Config Some IT folks how are fluent with the server configuration of the SSH daemon. But I can hardly name a few who knows how helpful client SSH configuration is.
Git Automate Housekeeping For one who does automation for living, it's okay to be a bit lazy. So let's talk about how I keep my local git repositories in order with minimal effort.
Ansible Ansible and Git Submodules Let's discuss a problem I faced, moving from Ansible to the Ansible Tower. The problem is how to maintain multiple inventories scattered all over new projects effectively.
Git What I ignore in Ansible projects Keep your repository neat and clean is a mandatory repository requirement, same as readable documentation and a good code, preferably useful. So, one of the first things I do in a new project is a .gitignore file.