Ansible Ansible: Control Structures Red Hat Ansible is a powerful and easy-to-learn automation product. Simplicity is one of the basic principles of the language. Yet, any task a titbit more complex than installing and starting an HTTPD server requires good old procedural control flows.
Ansible Ansible Variables: a Rookie Mistake The mistake I made could be excused for Java Developer, but not for a guy who spends days with Ansible. The root cause is the different variable visibility model. Red Hat Ansible does not appreciate role or play boundaries and dynamically evaluates a variable value for each impacted host.
SSH Unappreciated SSH Client Config Some IT folks how are fluent with the server configuration of the SSH daemon. But I can hardly name a few who knows how helpful client SSH configuration is.
Git Automate Housekeeping For one who does automation for living, it's okay to be a bit lazy. So let's talk about how I keep my local git repositories in order with minimal effort.
Ansible Ansible and Git Submodules Let's discuss a problem I faced, moving from Ansible to the Ansible Tower. The problem is how to maintain multiple inventories scattered all over new projects effectively.
Ansible Ansible: Conditional Playbooks I have praised Ansible tags all about the previous post. Unfortunately, tags don't go along with Ansible Tower's complex workflows. Let me guide you through the playbook transformation we've done. The answer to this challenge is extra variables.
Ansible Ansible: the Power of Tags Let's talk about why you should use tags in your Ansible playbooks. For starters, I'll lecture you a bit about tags in the Ansible language, and then show you how we use them in a real-life scenario.
Ansible Ansible Tower: Dynamic Usernames The slow drift toward the Red Hat Ansible Tower uncovers more and more compatibility issues, so I have to go back and revisit some decisions and make sure that the same code would fit both worlds.
Ghost Ghost 4: the Major Upgrade This small how-to could be helpful if you have a standalone Ghost platform and plan to upgrade it to the latest version - Ghost 4.4.0.
Containers Maven Project with Docker Compose This little tweak streamlines the development lifecycle and simplifies build and test operations. If you build something with Docker and Apache Maven you could find this article useful.
Ansible Ansible: Consume SQL*Plus Output A simple way to consume Oracle Database data in Ansible playbooks without extensive Python or PL/SQL coding or 3rd party modules.
Ansible Ansible: dynamic usernames Ansible uses OS username to authenticate against targets. When you need to run commands as a different user, you have multiple options: privilege escalation, set a remote username, and dynamic definition in inventory.
Keycloack Keycloak: Use Oracle Autonomous database The Keycloack Server documentation recommends an external database to persist realms configuration. The article describes how to configure Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing service with WildFly/JBoss application server.
Keycloack Keycloack: configure frontend URL It's turned out that my free tier VMs are powerful enough to run a standalone Keycloack []server. I'm not a big fan of the direct instance access on high ports, so I decided to configure it with the OCI load balancer [https:
Git What I ignore in Ansible projects Keep your repository neat and clean is a mandatory repository requirement, same as readable documentation and a good code, preferably useful. So, one of the first things I do in a new project is a .gitignore file.
Ansible How to run Ansible playbooks à-la Tower Our Red Hat Ansible projects drift to the Ansible Tower. I found that it much faster to do quick fixes and debug playbooks from the server rather than go through the full chain VSCode -> Git -> Tower. Well, to be productive, I automated the automation.
OpenSSL Quick Certificate Validation Check certificate validity for a site; what could be easier? It's a click away if the address of interest is in your browser. Learn how you can check expiration dates for multiple Learn how you can check expiration dates for multiple host or virtual hosts with SNI.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Enforce HTTPS With OCI Load Balancer To enforce secure connection you should enforce rewrite rules to rout your clients toward secure listener. The same could be done with load balancer in Oracle Cloud.
WebLogic Speeding up WLST Back in Java 7 days, when your WebLogic domain runs like a snail on a sunny meadow, you knew that you forgot to fix your random source. It is not quite a safe solution, plus it doesn't work for Java 8. One of the recent installations quite annoyed
JDeveloper Easy JDK update Working on the integrated WebLogic server configuration, I run into a very neat Middleware 12c feature. The primary fix for the issue is to use old JDK8. When you have JDeveloper and domain configured, you can upgrade your installation to the desired JDK version, with simple steps below.
JDeveloper DefaultDomain in SOA Studio I always struggle to configure internal WebLogic 12.2.x server and domain. Finally, Oracle Support helped me to complete the SOA/BPM Studio configuration.
Red Hat Too much security: Is it a thing? What I love about Red Hat classes, you get a live environment . This time, my new lab was partially unavailable. I click on the link, glimpse the application page, and then I get a protocol error page.
Red Hat Ansible: Yes and No, True and False During the code review, my colleague and I have fixed a few ageless Boolean variable issues. If you have ever done even a humble sized JavaScript project, you know what I mean. What is in common between Red Hat Ansible [//] and JavaScript? Well, they do not have types.
OCI How Oracle Cloud helps you save on Oracle Cloud The recent Ahmed's post on OCI client installation gave me an idea to post this piece. My Oracle Cloud trial has ended, and I have no other option but to be more budget aware. The most apparent recipe is quite similar to the basic household rule: "Turn the lights off when you leave the room."
Oracle Apex Off-the-map Apex From time to time, you need good old Oracle software. And the first challenge you face is to find the software binaries.