Ansible Ansible: A Shell Execution Shortcut Here is a small trick that could make your playbooks, if not more readable, at least shorter. The trick is useful if you use Shell to execute multiple commands on targets.
OCI Featured OCI Function Deployment Error Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers serverless functions. For OCI, function development requires tools to create and deploy code in accordance. This set of independent tools often results in mysterious errors.
Database JDBC URL: Short And Secure For years, Oracle SQL*Net offered a secured connection to the database and a prevalent unencrypted one. With the Zero Trust Architecture, that is no longer an option; you should get ready for end-to-end encryption in any environment, including your workstation.
Security Python: Testing Secure Connections Security control validation and enforcement are tasks we have regularly. We have created a small Python application that simplifies socket tests
GCP Ghost: Architecting a Test Site My previous topic described preparation steps for my new pet project - a test site in the Google Cloud. This post describes the design stage with my train of thought explanation and the current design state. Let's start with the requirements reiteration and then review the design steps.
Database Oracle Database: Zoning Conundrum The Oracle Database has long and complicated relations with time-aware data. It has gotten even more interesting in the internet era and global data processing. As usual, it's a story about how a single line of code at the design time could save many work hours in maintenance.
Ansible Ansible: Date and Time Anyone who works with Ansible knows how to access the current date and time. But have you ever dealt with something a bit more advanced? There are a few tips you may find helpful.
AWS When specialty beats functionality While back I wrote a short piece about Pandoc. My excitement about it stands true, yet it's a last-century utility you don't want or can't use in cloud-native applications. Well, I found a new one - WKHTMLTOx
Conda Conda: Environment configuration With a high probability, you own a powerful computing device that could be used as a standalone system for developing, debugging, and testing applications. And it would be a good idea - to use virtual environments to limit cross-project dependencies and keep your OS package list under control.
JSON JQ is a new GREP If you are a cloud system administrator, security analyst, or data scientist, you already use jq (JSON Query), and if you don't, you should.
development Game of Words I felt for Wordle [] the day I read about it, and now my morning starts with a fresh cup of coffee and a fresh puzzle. But sometimes, I struggle to see a word even if it is evident for a native speaker.
Ansible Ansible: Subroutines The second post in the Ansible: Control Structures [] series describes using Ansible core components to emulate subroutines - procedures and "packages." The whole paradigm of Ansible is the opposite of some core programming languages principles - encapsulation and isolation. Any task on the same
Ansible Ansible: Control Structures Red Hat Ansible is a powerful and easy-to-learn automation product. Simplicity is one of the basic principles of the language. Yet, any task a titbit more complex than installing and starting an HTTPD server requires good old procedural control flows.
Ansible Ansible Variables: a Rookie Mistake The mistake I made could be excused for Java Developer, but not for a guy who spends days with Ansible. The root cause is the different variable visibility model. Red Hat Ansible does not appreciate role or play boundaries and dynamically evaluates a variable value for each impacted host.
Ansible Ansible and Git Submodules Let's discuss a problem I faced, moving from Ansible to the Ansible Tower. The problem is how to maintain multiple inventories scattered all over new projects effectively.
Containers Maven Project with Docker Compose This little tweak streamlines the development lifecycle and simplifies build and test operations. If you build something with Docker and Apache Maven you could find this article useful.
Quarkus Easy Fix For Quarkus 1.2.0 Native Build The new Quarkus release has just arrived and I decided to refresh my project to see how it works with GraalVM on JDK 11. Well, the native build failed with an indistinct exception.
Ansible XML documents and Ansible When you automate J2EE environments you can't avoid XML documents. Let's see what you can do if you should process XML as a structured data set.
How-tos Git client for Windows: basic configuration It's quite common when you have no admin access to the workstation and proxy server with the authorization for the internet access. First part is quite easy, you can find most of the DEV tools such maven or git in portable format. Now I'll tell you how to configure proxy for git.
Ansible List as a parameter About a month ago, I developed an Ansible role to manage OPSS application policies. By original design, my role uses two lists: application role names and principals and then assigned each role to each principal. Something similar to: - name: Grant application roles include_roles: role: opss-grant vars: app_name: