Git Git: From SSH to Personal Access Tokens Accessing remote repositories over SSH is a convenient, reliable, and secure way to sync your local and remote repositories. However, architectural changes and security requirements encourage moving from SSH to HTTPS/TLS protocols.
SSH Putty error "PuTTY key format too new" I recently received a "PuTTY key format too new" error when trying to SSH into one of my cloud VMs. Simply download the latest version of Putty from and you should be good to go.
Bash A Shell Tricks: Session Color Coding The best way to understand what server you deal with is color-coded command line prompts. Different Shell interpreters and different terminals offer different commands and capabilities, but modern server-side world is extremely Linux centric, where the BASH dominates the market.
SSH Connecting with a private key using SSH and SFTP SSH uses public/private key pairs. id_rsa is your RSA private key (do not share this!). is your RSA public key; this you give out to the administrator of the target system so that they can add it to verify that the signature came from your
SSH Unappreciated SSH Client Config Some IT folks how are fluent with the server configuration of the SSH daemon. But I can hardly name a few who knows how helpful client SSH configuration is.
SSH Getting ssh_init when using SSH or SCP When using pscp to transfer a file, you may receive the error: ssh_init: Network error: Cannot assign requested address The solution is simple. Simply specify the -P 22 parameter to explicitly connect to the port, and you should be good to go.
SSH Login to Linux using SSH Keys in PuTTY This post provides a quick guide to configuring access to a Linux account using SSH keys. Generate a Private and Public Key Pair 1. Download puttygen.exe from here. 2. Click Generate. 3. Move the mouse until complete. 4. Enter the "Key passphrase". 5. Click Save public key.