WebMethods WebMethods.io: Custom Transformers In previous integration posts, I briefly touched on the powerful mechanism of the Webmethods.io Transformers. Let's explore the data manipulation tools using a real-life example.
ChatGPT ChatGPT-4: Webnmethods.io Connector Earlier in the series, we defined a custom connector for the new X API and established that a predefined connector does not work with the latest OpenAI models. Let's create a custom REST connector for the latest GPT models.
JSON JQ is a new GREP If you are a cloud system administrator, security analyst, or data scientist, you already use jq (JSON Query), and if you don't, you should.
Ansible Ansible, YAML, and JSON Ansible is very flexible with data types, and easily transforms primitives and even JSON strings, but from time to time you need to process and transform something a bit more complex than String to Boolean conversions.
JDeveloper Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in JDeveloper Native Format Builder for JSON Apparently I've run into an issue with Oracle JDeveloper when using the Native Format Builder against a JSON file. Other online posts point to Oracle Doc ID 2628833.1 [https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=37243763911205&parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&