GCP Ghost: Create an Instance Group Since the beginning of the quest, we have had cloud-based site backups, Google Cloud architecture for a low-maintenance and inexpensive test site, plus a working instance template. Now let's ensure instance availability and security.
Google Ghost: Building an Instance I publish journal notes of my cost-effective blog engineering challenge. This time I'll walk you through the cornerstone of my design - compute instance. Bear with me for a few more minutes, and I'll walk you through the chain of decision points to the final solution.
Certification Google Cloud Certified: Done! This post is straight and clear brag about myself. Last week I passed one of the most challenging exams I've ever had - Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect! The hardest one I failed miserably, and it was all technical. On second thought, all other certifications I'
Google Firewall considerations for Google reCAPTCHA Some websites leverage Google's reCAPTCHA [https://www.google.com/recaptcha] service to provide a means to stop bots from abusing the site. This blog post describes how to identify what outbound firewall IP addresses and ports that are needed. What is reCAPTCHA? * A free service that protects your