Secure Oracle HTTP Server 12c scripts

This post is a spin-off on my instance configuration note and covers another security finding. A small intro to set up a context: I always use custom certificates for the WebLogic servers and all the components. In nova days certificates are free and if you have a cloud-based or open project, services like Let's Encrypt give you free SSL certificates and tools for automating the certificate life cycle. But you not always have a choice and most of my projects use internal CA services to manage certificates company-wide.
One way or another, my quite standard NodeManager property file looks similar to the template below:
# Keystore configuration
CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName={{ jks_home }}/trust.jks
CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName={{ jks_home }}/identity.jks
CustomIdentityAlias={{ key_alias }}
CustomIdentityPrivateKeyPassPhrase={{ key_pass }}
CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase={{ store_pass }}
Of course, Oracle HTTP server 12c has received the same NodeManager configuration as all the other domains we manage through the Ansible playbooks. Immediately, after NodeManager start I run into the odd issue: my script failed to connect to the NodeManager port. Well, it happens all the time, so as part of the standard WLST script call I add an environment variable declaration:
export WLST_PROPERTIES="{{ jks_home }}/trust.jks -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=300000000"
Well, this time it doesn't work. All the domain scripts ignore my arguments and failed with the handshake exception: PKIX path building failed. To check if WLST_PROPERTIES works, I added argument I get the debug output. That's how I figured out that scripts ignore WebLogic arguments and use DemoIdentity.jks and DemoTrust.jks, ignoring even the standard Java trust keystore. After a few trials, I end up with the environment variable as below.
export WLST_PROPERTIES="-Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=3000000{{ jks_home }}/trust.jks"
It adds custom keystore to the list of the trusted certificates on the JVM level, so java.weblogic.WLST can validate custom certificates.
I think that WebLogic base component template is not quite a WebLogic server and it does not understand WebLogic security arguments, while tools use WebLogic server framework and default configuration settings.
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