Looking for solutions to errors: Google or ChatGPT?
So I received this error when running my Python code today. I was attempting to read a Microsoft Word document and apparently I didn't have the docx module installed.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'docx'
It's a simple solution to a simple problem. I just didn't know what the name of the module I needed to install was.
A simple google search came up with 2 results. Each of the first two results had the answer, and it took me about 5 seconds per result to parse through the noise in these community posts to get the command I was looking for pip install python-docx
Google is still relevant and is a go-to resource.
ChatGPT gave me the same result I expected, but formatted the output in a way specific to me, removing a lot of the unnecessary content.
The reality is, as software developers, we are going to naturally start gravitating towards and embracing these chat-based AI tools for programming efficiencies.