Use emcli to download and install Oracle Management Agent 13c
You can use emcli (Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface) to download any number of versions of the Oracle Management Agent from the Oracle Management Server (OMS).
The instructions in this blog post are specific to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.3.0.
Download Agent from OMS using emcli
On the OMS host, login using emcli and do a sync:
export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware/
$MW_HOME/bin/emcli login -username=sysman
$MW_HOME/bin/emcli sync
Find out what platforms are included in your OMS to download:
oracle@oraprod:/home/oracle> emcli get_supported_platforms
Version =
Platform = Linux x86-64
Platforms list displayed successfully.
Now you can download the appropriate agent platform and version:
emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=""
Copy the agent download file to your target host:
scp /tmp/ oracle@targethost:/tmp
Install downloaded Agent on target host
Extract the Agent software on the target host:
cd /tmp
unzip -d /u01/temp_install
cd /u01/temp_install
Install the Agent:
./ AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/oracle/agent13c -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc AGENT_PORT=3872 EM_UPLOAD_PORT=4903 OMS_HOST=omshostname ORACLE_HOSTNAME=targethostname AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_inst AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=welcome1 SCRATCHPATH=/tmp
Run as 'root':
Startup and Shutdown the Agent
Commands to start, stop, and check status of the Agent:
export AGENT_HOME=/u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13.
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl status agent